4MV #253 Why Quality Sleep is a Game Changer for Diabetic Wellness ✔

⭑ Your sleep quality directly affects your blood sugar control ✔ For diabetics
⭑ A spinach shake does wonders for your gut health ✔ And can even taste OK
⭑ The urge to run long distances is uniquely human - and primordial ✔
⭑ Do this to lift your hip flexor stretch to the next level ✔ Learn in 30 seconds

All strength to Ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦



"Runners are every physiotherapist's nightmare because they treat recovery time like a speed bump—just something to blast through on their way to more injuries", Every Physiotherapist.

Despite some niggling pain from my hamstring, I've decided to run in a 10-mile (16 km) event tomorrow. I've studied the entrants. If I can just cross the finish line, I can win the State Winter Masters distance series aggregate prize for my age because I've won the previous 3 out of 5 events. Fingers crossed.

I never imagined that one day, I would drink a spinach shake before bed. Now, I almost look forward to it — see item #2 below.

In last week's newsletter, I referred to an article in WebMD that prioritised two actions for pre-diabetics to avoid becoming fully diabetic: (1) lose 7% of your body weight, and (2) improve your sleep quality. This week I want to fully explain why better sleep matters for pre-diabetics and diabetics — see item #1.


01 For Diabetics Sleep Matters - A Lot, Here's Why

Your quality of sleep plays a significant role in regulating your blood sugar. This is crucially important for diabetics, yet it is not well understood.

I hope that understanding the causation between good sleep quality and better blood sugar control will encourage you to pay more attention to your sleep habits. The research-based evidence is clear:

  • Sleep Fragmentation and Glucose Metabolism: Sleep fragmentation (generally disturbed sleep) disrupts sleep across all stages and has been shown to decrease insulin sensitivity and glucose effectiveness. This fragmentation increases your morning cortisol levels and shifts the balance towards greater sympathetic nervous system activity, leading to adverse metabolic effects such as higher blood pressure and chronic stress (Stamatakis & Punjabi, 2010).
  • REM Sleep Latency and Glycemic Control: Shorter REM sleep latency, the time it takes to enter the first REM period after falling asleep, is negatively associated with poor glycemic control in type 2 diabetes patients. Short REM sleep latency is linked with increased carotid artery intima-media thickness (CA-IMT), a marker for arterial thickening, higher blood pressure, and higher cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients (Yoda et al., 2015).
  • Associations with Sleep Disorders: Sleep disorders like sleep-disordered breathing, e.g. sleep apnea, during REM sleep are associated with increased insulin resistance, even when adjusted for body mass index and waist circumference. This suggests that REM-specific disruptions have a distinct and significant impact on glucose metabolism (Chami et al., 2015).
  • Sleep Quality and HbA1c Levels: Poor sleep quality is linked with higher HbA1c levels, indicating poorer long-term blood sugar control. Studies have observed this relationship, with participants with type 2 diabetes showing higher HbA1c levels correlating with worse sleep quality, as measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) (Zalukhu et al., 2021).

⇒ If you are prediabetic or diabetic it is crucial to give as much attention to your sleep quality as your weight and regular exercise.

What this means for you: In the absence of any breakthrough new suggestions for better sleep than have been in the newsletter multiple times, you may find these blog posts helpful if you have not read them in the past:

OR, check all sleep-related posts here:https://www.walteradamson.com/blog/category/sleep

AND, this sleep-related previous Newsletter.

Related: Measuring Your Waist Will Tell You If You Are On Your Way To Diabetes​

Related: How To Sleep Better And Recover Like Elite Soccer Players​


02 No Way - Not A Spinach Shake. Wait! It's Not Too Bad

Until recently, I held a conscious bias against "extreme" health advice, such as drinking a spinach shake. I imagined that it would taste awful, and therefore, few people would do it, so such advice was of little value.

I now drink a spinach shake every night before bed! I discovered that blended baby spinach tastes OK.

My left brain drove my change of mind. It was a case of my left "logical" brain overpowering my right "emotional" brain.

After having Covid just before Xmas last year, I had gut problems. In researching the causes and solutions, I found that spinach had qualities beneficial to gut lining health. That was enough for me to hold my nose and try to down a spinach shake, and I continued to do it.

This new habit of mine is supported by scientific evidence highlighting the beneficial effects on the gut microbiota (over time, I also added kale):

  • Spinach increases the abundance of beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus and decreases harmful bacteria, improving overall gut health;
  • Kale enhances the integrity of the gut barrier and reduces inflammation, and this enhances the health of the gut-brain axis, which is an integral player in how we age and our brain health;
  • Both spinach and kale are rich in essential nutrients and bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, glucosinolates, and phenolic acids, which contribute to their health benefits. These compounds have various beneficial effects, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and gut health-promoting properties.

⇒ In summary, a healthier gut leads to better nutrient absorption, lower levels of general inflammation, and a healthier gut-brain axis (linked to lower risk and reduced speed of neurological degeneration).

I'm a fan!

What this means for you: If you are fine with any form of spinach, then load up your blender, whizz it, and drink it before bed. Here are my tips:

  • Try baby spinach if you find other spinach too strong;
  • Add kale over time, unless you don't mind it from the start;
  • Microwave it before adding water and blending. This is important because spinach and kale contain anti-nutrients and cooking reduces their potency. 20 to 40 seconds in a microwave preserves the nutrients and attenuates the anti-nutrients.
  • Don't fill your container to the "max" with water after heating the spinach in the microwave, as the heat transfers to the water and expands in the blender, which can lead to overflowing during blending.

Enjoy! Your gut will appreciate it.

Related: ​Forget Beetroot Juice, Eat More Vegetables For Nitrate Potency And Longer Life​​​

@Medium - Follow me on Medium ↗, covering ⭑food, ⭑brain, ⭑body, ⭑life


03 Humans Are Good Runners, But Why Do We Want To Run?

Sometimes, while running, I've wondered why humans not only like to run distances but seem to want to run distances. Could it be that when we run, especially over long distances, we might not just be exercising our bodies; we could be engaging in a ritual as old as humanity itself?

We've evolved to have a unique ability that sets us apart from most animals: we are exceptional long-distance runners.

This is not just a quirk of nature, but a deeply ingrained evolutionary trait. Our ancestors relied on persistence hunting, a method in which they would chase prey over long distances until the animals collapsed from exhaustion. This required not only speed but also endurance, a quality that shaped our bodies and brains over millennia.

⇒ The skeletal structure of our feet, the strength of our gluteal muscles, our long tendons that store and release energy, and even our ability to sweat efficiently, all contribute to our prowess in long-distance running.

Here's what intrigues me - it’s not just about survival.

Running taps into a primordial part of our psyche, connecting us to the experiences of our ancestors. Once before, I mentioned how Cat Steven's song "Morning Has Broken" evoked these feelings in me.

With its rhythmic movement and deep breathing, distance running releases endorphins and other neurochemicals, creating a sense of well-being and fulfilment. It’s a physical and spiritual practice that resonates with something ancient within us, a shared experience that links us to the dawn of human existence.

What this means for you: Running isn’t just a workout; it’s a way to connect with the essence of being human. It doesn’t require you to train for a marathon. Here’s a simple playbook to help you tap into your ancestral spirits:

  1. Start Small, Stay Consistent: Begin with brisk walking or light jogging for 15-20 minutes, three times a week. Gradually increase your distance or time as you feel more comfortable.
  2. Mindful Running: As you run, focus on your breath and the rhythm of your steps. Allow yourself to connect with the environment around you. This isn’t just exercise; it’s a moment to be present, just as our ancestors were when they ran across ancient landscapes.
  3. Set a Simple Goal: Choose a distance that feels achievable, like a 5K. The goal isn’t just to reach the finish line but to experience the journey. Use this time to reflect, let your mind wander, and enjoy the meditative quality of running. It took me 2 years to be able to run 5k, take it step by step.

⇒ By taking these small steps, you can tap into the deeper, spiritual connection running offers.

Related: Daddy, Is Skipping Better For You Than Running?


04 True Hip Flexor Stretch - This Works

Our exercise of the week is... the lunge-style hip flexor stretch with posterior hip rotation.

I've been doing hip flexor stretches since injuring my hamstring while sprinting at the athletics club a month ago. I recently discovered that I was doing them incorrectly or, at least, ineffectively.

⇒ Effective execution requires posterior rotation of your hips, i.e. rotate your upper hip bone to the rear.

I immediately found this to be more effective.

What this means for you: Modify your everyday hip flexor stretch to include a posterior rotation, and you will notice the difference. You can do this daily; hold for 30 seconds on each side.

⇒ Check this video with all the details in 35 seconds.

Key points:

  • Kneel down with your symptomatic leg behind you i.e. the one which is causing most hip tension or pain.
  • Start with a large stride between the front and back leg and rock gently to warm up, then bring your front leg closer.
  • Keep your chest up.
  • If you wish, use your thumbs to push into your rear lower hip which will help rotate your upper hip to the rear - I find this very helpful.

Related: Keep Your Tendons Healthy And Your Balance Will Look After Itself

Thanks for reading!

P.S. If you are not yet subscribed to my free exercise app, try now ↓↓↓ Free forever. Opt-out any time. Opt-in by CLICKING HERE PLEASE SEND ME THE EXERCISES. NOTE: YOU ONLY NEED TO SUBSCRIBE ONE TIME.

>> My Latest Blog Post: Energise Your Golden Years: Boosting Your Desire to Exercise with Gut-Healthy Foods

About the newsletter: Do you think it can be improved? Have a story idea? Want to share about the time you met Chris Hemsworth, or your questions about how to live longer better? Send those thoughts and more to me at walter@bodyagebuster.com

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​"I empower mid-life men and women to make the choice to live as actively and as independently as they can, for as long as they can", Walter Adamson Get access to my weekly research that I don’t share elsewhere. “My wife and I both read your articles each week, and I have to say there is so much confusing data out there, but yours is a great source, well researched, scientific and always relevant.” — Steve Ridgway, subscriber.

Read more from Four Most Valuable [4MV] Weekly Tips For Living Longer Better | Newsletter
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