
Four Most Valuable [4MV] Weekly Tips For Living Longer Better | Newsletter

[4MV] Memory decline is not inevitable, do these simple things to prevent it ✔ By a renowned brain expert

Published over 1 year ago • 8 min read


I trust you're safe, fit and well.

All strength to Ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

Not Fahrenheit 451, but Fahrenheit 50.

When does cold start to affect our brain and ability to function? I was surprised to learn that it happens at 50F (10C). Living at 10C or below has a profound impact on our heart, lungs and brain.

The blood flow to our brain slows, causing the brain to run more slowly. Blood thickens, causing a rise in blood pressure and our heart to work harder, and cold air going into our lungs raises the risk of viral infection. Which together explains why more people in our western world die from cold than from heat.

The moral is to rug up, especially if you are cutting back on heating your house because of the cost of energy.

Becoming diabetic will change your life - not for the better. There are things that you need to do now if you have been infected with Covid - see item #2.

Your working memory is the most critical type of memory (falling between our immediate recall and our long-term memory). You should exercise it daily, here's how - see item #1.

Here are the topics I have chosen for you to help you live longer better:

⭑ Find everyday memory challenges to keep your memory tuned up ✔
⭑ Covid sets you up for diabetes - here's what to do to keep it at bay ✔
⭑ Snacking on almonds? Your gut and brain will thank you
⭑ These three easy rowing variations will improve your fitness

01 A Neurologist's Tips To Protect Your Memory

There are many things you can do to keep your memory sharp, according to neuroscientist Dr Richard Restak, a neurologist and clinical professor at George Washington Hospital University School of Medicine and Health.

Reassuringly, memory decline is not inevitable with aging, says Dr Restak, who has dedicated his whole career to understanding the human brain.

⇒ Ultimately, "we are what we can remember", he says. So it is worth paying some attention to maintaining the performance of your memory.

What it means for us: Here are some of Dr Restak's tips for developing and maintaining a healthy memory:

  1. Keep a positive attitude - a good outlook is crucial for maintaining a sharp memory.
  2. Stay physically active - exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which can help to improve memory and cognitive function.
  3. Get enough sleep - a good night’s sleep is essential for memory consolidation and retrieval.
  4. Eat a healthy diet - eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can help to improve memory and cognitive function.
  5. Challenge your mind - challenging your mind with activities like puzzles, memory games, and learning new skills can help to improve memory and cognitive function e.g. using Duolingo to learn a language.
  6. Socialise - socialising with friends and family can help to keep your mind active and engaged, which can improve memory.
  7. Manage stress - chronic stress can damage the brain and impact memory.
  8. Keep a memory journal - recording your thoughts and experiences in a journal can help to improve your memory.

Dr Restak also suggests memory exercises that you can integrate into everyday life e.g. composing a grocery list and memorising it. When you get to the store, don’t automatically pull out your list (or your phone) — instead, pick up everything according to your memory. Or turn off the GPS in your car now and then.

I really like this suggestion about turning some of our everyday habits into memory challenges as this means we are more likely to practice them.

Related: Brain Health Is Boosted By Eating Less, Often — Here’s How To Start

02 Association of COVID-19 with Diabetes

I'm following this topic - the association of late-onset diabetes with prior Covid infection - because diabetes is a diabolical health problem as we age.

As I've often mentioned, I drifted into being a Type 2 Diabetic when I was 50. I went into denial for a few months and then woke up one morning in a sweat with the realisation that I was heading for disaster unless I - me - myself did something. It was down to me. That's when I started this long journey to better health and fitness.

The findings of this latest research (published November 23) are shocking.

⇒ COVID-19 was associated with a 66% higher risk of late-onset diabetes. The risk was not modified by age or sex.

The study concludes: "Active monitoring of glucose dysregulation after recovery from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is warranted".

What this means for us: Firstly, it means that if you have had Covid then you should have your blood sugar monitored at least 4 times a year professionally. Or, have your doctor or pharmacist show you how to do it yourself and do it very regularly e.g. weekly.

Secondly, my strong advice is to be proactive in doing things that delay the onset of diabetes, and conversely, stop doing things that lead to diabetes.

Three things that lead to Type 2 diabetes are:

  1. Being overweight e.g. a BMI significantly greater than when you were in your 20s and trim;
  2. Being inactive e.g. less than 150 minutes of real exercise each week (not just activity such as doing the garden or walking the dog);
  3. Eating low-nutrition high-sugar industrial foods e.g. pancakes, large cookies, and sodas.

What delays diabetes is reversing all the above; (1) target a healthier weight, (2) do regular exercise, and (3) avoid sugary foods and drinks - especially after dinner.

I started with a vow to eat 20% less and exercise 20% more. As simple as that. Once I made this a part of my lifestyle, I refined it and repeated it e.g. by substituting better quality food for poorer quality food AND eating 20% less.

Here is the simplest and most critical measurement to monitor when you are in this prevention phase - your waistline.

If your waistline is more than half of your height then the diabetes alarm bells are ringing. There is a strong association between this circumstance and your likelihood of developing diabetes.

Don't drift into diabetes as I did. You can keep it at bay but you cannot reverse it once you have it, despite the promises you see in Google ads.

Related: ​Measuring Your Waist Will Tell You If You Are On Your Way To Diabetes

@Medium - Follow me on Medium ↗, covering ⭑food, ⭑brain, ⭑body, ⭑life

03 Almonds Can Help Support The Gut Microbiome - New Study

We are still learning about the human microbiome and its importance in gut health. Butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid, appears to be a key player in a healthy microbiome.

Butyrate helps maintain a healthy gut barrier. By keeping bacteria and other microbes from entering your blood, butyrate can help to reduce inflammation and gastrointestinal discomfort like bloating.

If you suffer from IBS or other digestive disorders, incorporating butyrate-forming foods into your diet may help to improve your symptoms. Perhaps even more importantly, reducing gut leakage into the blood is thought to reduce dementia.

⇒ Butyrate is produced through the fermentation of fibre in the colon. Increasing fibre in the diet, such as in almonds, increases butyrate levels according to a newly published study.

What this means for us: The study found that eating 56 grams, or 2 ounces, of almonds daily — this amounts to about 46 almonds — was preventative.

This daily serving will also provide you with about 50% of your daily Vitamin E requirements. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. It is also thought to help boost your immune system and help to keep your skin healthy.

I do this by regularly buying a large Costco bag of Californian almonds. I also add almond meal - stone ground - to my morning serving of prebiotic grains, plus powdered green tea. (Store almond meal sealed, in the refrigerator, to prevent oxidation.)

To my way of thinking, this kind of addition — adding almonds — to our diet is a no-brainer, unless we suffer from nut allergies of course.

Related: ​​Why Walnuts Lower Heart Disease and Help You Sleep Better

04 Three Easy Rowing Routines That Will Triple Your Benefits

Our exercise of the week is... for if you have access to a rowing machine.

I always preferred the pro rowing machines at the gym until I recently bought a bargain home rowing machine which, to my surprise, I really enjoy using.

I rowed when I was young - regattas on Saturdays through the summer, weekdays training at 6 am and then again at 7 pm. It was tough. Sunday off.

⇒ Rowing is a great whole-body exercise. It builds muscular endurance and stamina, improves your posture, and gives you strong legs and nice shoulders.

What this means for us: Here are three easy-to-remember rowing routines which you can use in a periodic pattern to triple the benefits from your time:

  1. 1 minute on, 1 minute off. Over 10 minutes row harder (one notch) for one minute and lighter the next minute - start on the easier level.
  2. 20 seconds hard, 10 times. Go hard for 20 seconds, then easy for 40 seconds, repeat 10 times. Start with the light 40 seconds (or better row lightly for 2 minutes, then start 20 seconds hard, 40 seconds light, for 10 reps).
  3. Row at a middle resistance, at a consistent pace, for 20 minutes.

Go as hard as you can in #2 during the 20 seconds - this will build strength and stamina. In the one-minute version don’t overdo it during the 1 minute hard rows, just keep it firmer and steady. This will mainly tune up your stamina. The 20-minute row will build your endurance.

Rotate the routines one after the other on successive training days, or do them one per week over a period of three weeks, for example. You can do these every day of the week (unless you go exceptionally hard in the 20 seconds hard, 40 seconds off variation when 3 times a week is enough).

Read this post for my tips on how to row better: Hate stretching after workouts? Reduce your muscle aches with this smooth 5-minute alternative


Thanks for reading!

I will add today's exercise above to my free app, so look out for it.

P.S. If you are not yet subscribed to my free exercise app, try now ↓↓↓ Free forever. Opt-out any time. Opt-in by CLICKING HERE PLEASE SEND ME THE EXERCISES. NOTE: YOU ONLY NEED TO SUBSCRIBE ONE TIME.

>> My Latest Blog Post: How Many Pistachios Should I Eat For Sleep and When?

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'4 Most Valuable' is a weekly newsletter from Walter Adamson. If you like it, please forward to a like-minded soul. Someone forward this to you? You can subscribe from this page.

Resources for you:

How To Go From On-knee to Full Pushups, and Reap The Benefits

The Exact Slow Pace You Must Run and Cycle To Max Fat-Burning

As You Age Pistachios Can Help You Sleep Better

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How To Keep Your Weight Off With Daily Walks — 5 Fun Level-ups That Everyone Can Do

​​How Avoiding A High Viral Load Can Save Your Life - Coronavirus

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Four Most Valuable [4MV] Weekly Tips For Living Longer Better | Newsletter

​"I empower mid-life men and women to make the choice to live as actively and as independently as they can, for as long as they can", Walter Adamson Get access to my weekly research that I don’t share elsewhere. “My wife and I both read your articles each week, and I have to say there is so much confusing data out there, but yours is a great source, well researched, scientific and always relevant.” — Steve Ridgway, subscriber.

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